A little bit about me
Fully devoted to everything I care about. Full of wanderlust, wonder, and a zest for life.
Always looking for the wild things, and the perfect camp spot.
Photography started for me as a way to chronicle our travels.
When you travel full time in an RV, there is always something great to see, and photograph.
Wonderful scenery, great wildlife, and a variety of interesting things.
My art has grown, and evolved, and I am always pushing myself to be better.
I want to bring the viewers of my photos a new way of looking at the world around us, a different angle.
I hope you enjoy what I have created.
I was recently interviewed by Chip Reid for the CBS Evening news about my wild horse photography.
That can be seen here. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mary-hone-photographer-wild-horses/
BBC News also did an interview, and that can be seen here. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-59213093
We do art shows throughout the year, and I would love to meet you. The schedule is is available on the Art Show Schedule page.
Email me at maryhonephotography@gmail.com